I’ve written part of a book!

I’m pleased to announce that some of my earlier articles for the PragPub magazine will be published in a new anthology, which is available in Beta (e-Book) now and due to be released in dead-tree format around October.

Personal motivations aside, it’s an inspired idea from one of the top publishers of technical books to collect together a wide range of information and views on current trends in functional programming.  I’ve seen the whole volume already, and it looks awesome – with plenty for me to learn about other approaches. Of particular interest is how practical the book is: much of the material is from people are using these techniques and tools in real systems, and finding real benefits. It’s quite an honour to be included in this volume!

If you get the book and want to discuss any issues, please note there’s a forum for this book on the Pragmatic Programmers’ website. Here’s to interesting discussions!

Ps. the articles have been thoroughly edited, improved, and updated in places.


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